

English "Richard Grimes had another sip of root beer. Before, he hadn't even tried this drink, but he enjoyed the taste. Rumors were, that it helped with pain quite a bit, especially with the one he was dealing with. How it helped – Richie knew not. But for now all was only getting worse. Richie sighed, and looked over the patrons of the Hogsmeade's tavern. There were quite a few, many students loved to spend a weekend in these walls, and in such rowdy place, no one payed much attention to a lonely table of a genius potion brewer. Genius, what a joke!? First serious experiment, and what a fiasco! Side-effect, that couldn't have happened. Not one ingredient that would make it into a love potion. And the supposed protection of yarrow, that almost came out as but a mirage. He himself found a way around it in a few hours. Eh, he will never get to the heights of professor Snape. {p} -Aha, here you are! – Samuel dropped on a neighboring chair, - I was looking for you. Couldn't even find a trace. What the hell, man? I got up in the morning and you are nowhere to be found! {p} -You mornings, Sam, start in the afternoon, - Richard sighed once again, without raising his gaze from the chalice. {p} -Come on, it's a weekend, I get to indulge myself. You don't need to be so strict with yourself, or you will end up, well, right where you are. So I take it didn't go to plan? – Sam showed a look of concern. In the end, it was both of their asses on the line. {p} -Hah, what can I say? She took the antidote, she did. And just left. I tried talking with her in the morning, afternoon... She is avoiding me. Ignoring. – Richard, surprised, found his glass empty, - I borked it up Sam. {p} -Why would you even try to talk with her? Don't you have your own ways? – Sam asked teasingly, - You could always just use your newfound abilities. {p} -That's the thing, I can't. I cannot hear her thoughts. At all. {p}Richard tried reaching for another bottle, but Samuel caught his hand. And with a glint of steel in his eyes looked at his friend. {p} -Stop this Richie, stop, trust me. This won't solve your problems. So, what do we have? You've deal with a side-effect, but dispelled the main one too. Sandy is angry at you, because you told her everything? {p} -She knew from the start. Potion also let her read my thoughts, - Richard's face finally got an expression, and it was... a smile? {p} -What?! Excuse me, oh venerable potion master? She was reading your thoughts all this time? – Sam stopped for a second, dealing with newly discovered information, and didn't think if anything better, but laugh – She just ready your thoughts? And knew all of our plans? Great Merlin! But why are you so calm? And why aren't you stuttering? {p} -Well, - Sam thought Richie looked like he was hiding something, - she... how should I put it... She healed me from my defect. Hm... Yes, that's right. With her own... method. – Richie turned bright red and lost his tongue. {p} -Richie? Richard Grimes! Don't tell me, you and Sandy. Wow! {p}Sam though he was shocked before, but now. Still, corners of his lips started to move up into an angry smirk. {p} -Well, my friend, congratulations. You've managed to prepare a love potion, and got me to give it to a girl you like, and use her to the full potential! {p}Sam face was full of the sarcastic triumph. {p} -No! That's not how it went! I didn't know, I didn't want! – Richard started to panic, but surprisingly didn't start to stutter. {p} -Relax, I am joking. Still, this is a complete failure. Not only does your potion have a side-effect, that you can only get rid of with the intended effect, the main effect also goes both ways. You know, maybe this is to be expected and everything will go back into place now. So, let's pretend nothing of this has happened.\n\n\n\n\n\nRichard tried to summon his courage. He spent last three hours stalking Sandy, just to get her alone. It was quite late, and she went to female showers. What a strange creatures women are, going to have a shower in the middle of the night. Well, most importantly, she is alone and he can finally talk with her. He has to find out, explain to her, she has to understand that he only had science in mind. She will listen to him! {p} -Yes! – Richard told himself – She has to listen to me! And she can decide what to after, but I have to tell her everything. {p}Though, he still wasn't sure what he will tell her. Talking never was never a strong point for our young genius. Richard checked the hall once more, door to the showers was closed tightly. He couldn't hear the sound of water. And Sandy already spent an hour inside. What if something had happened to her? No, that's impossible. What could happen to her in the shower? Still, this is Hogwarts, and he cannot hear the water. But to go in? That would definitely break a few IMVOIS rules, and will most likely result in his expulsion. And how would he even get in. How? HOW?! Richard didn't finish his thought, starting at a door that suddenly appeared in front of him. Door, that he was sure, led to the girls' showers. Gathering his courage, Richard slowly opened this new door and saw a small room with a tall mirror in the middle. And in the mirror he saw girls' showers, and lying on the stone floor, fully naked Sandy. Her body moved as if she was possessed, spasming, both her hands between her legs. Eyes wide shut, face full of exhaustion. She was biting down on her lip, wrinkling and arching her back more and more, legs twisting in some surrealistic knot. Richard stepped forward, another step. And just went through the mirror, into the thick mist. Shockingly staring at Sandy, who ended up right at his feet, he thought: “Room of requirement. That is the only explanation”. For a few painfully long seconds, he looked at the girl, that captured his heart, and then, as if he decided to take a leap of faith, he breathed in and falling to the floor next to her, kissed the one he loved. Sandy opened her eyes, for a second they reflected terror, then acknowledgment, anger, rage and suddenly... Her eyes were filled with lust. She pulled Richie toward her, and maintaining their connection, quickly got rid of his belt and grabbed him by his cock, as if she though he would try to escape her. Richard, with an animal like roar, flipped her on her back and, raising Sandy's right leg entered her. Sandy responded with a long half-moan, half-scream. She was on her back, wanting more. Grasping around she found a column behind her, and grabbed it with both arms. Matching the tempo, she started to push herself toward him. Thrusts became more powerful, painfully so for both of them, but they were both too far gone to care. Suddenly, Sandy arched back and flipped Richie over, getting on top. Increasing the tempo even further. Richie (Merlin knows where he got that from) reached for her throat, grabbing her with his thin arm, that looked like that of a giant when put next to her thin neck. The ever increasing tempo got the best of both of them, and when Richie thought that another second and he will lose consciousness from the pleasure, everything has ended. Ended for both of them.\n\n{p} -Have you seen Pittsburgh's Witches? It is a beautiful play in three acts. You have to see it, - Sandy closed her eyes remembering, - Richie, it is godly, we have to see it during the break. I'll gladly watch it for a second time. {p} -Of course, Sandy! Of course we will go to see it,- Richard smiled. {p} -Eee... What is going on here? – Samuel stood still next to the table in the dining hall, Sandy and Richie were flirting at,- I mean, hi Richie, Sandy. Glad to run into you two. So you have made up, I see. {p}Sam looked at them with a hint of offence, as if he was the only one not in on the gag. {p} -Sammy, hi, - Sandy said cheerfully, - sit with us, we were waiting for you. {p} -Really? – Surprised didn't even cover how Sam felt, - So will you in Merlin's name tell me what's going on? {p} -Nothing special, we just planning how we will celebrate our successful experiment, - Richie smiled. {p} -Successful? I have a few other adjectives to describe it. How about: failure, disastrous! I have a few pages with the censored ones too! {p} -Sam, I already reported to Snape, and he graded it highly. And you got credit as my assistant. So it is our success. – Richard looked very happy with himself. {p} -What are you on about? What success? What about the side-effect? And... - Sam looked at giggling Sandy, - The both-side effect as well? {p} -Sam, - Richie looked at him with a condescending smile, - There was no side effect. {p} -What?! {p} -Yes, - Sandy interrupted, - what you boys thought was a side effect, was just a simple crush. I fell in love with only the most pure and kindhearted and truly interesting person. And I understood it, by simply reading his thoughts. There and then, while you were waiting for the results of the potion, I saw Richie's thoughts. Saw them and fell in love. With him. {p} -Aha! – Sam said triumphal, - so there was at least one side-effect! {p} -No, - Sandy continued, - there wasn't. Just you silly boys forgot about one small detail, the taste of the potion. I knew that you gave me something that moment. And, interested, decided to eavesdrop on your conversation. Luckily I have one of those Weasly's ear extenders. So once I figured what you have done and where Richie stored his brew, I just put it into his juice, right in the common room. Thankfully, like any mad scientist (Sandy barely suppressed her laughter) doesn't pay attention to little details. Like a sudden change in taste of his juice. {p} -So you have been playing with us all along? {p}Sam was so shocked, that almost started stuttering himself. But, a second later, there was a hint of respect in his eyes. {p} -You are one dangerous girl! Great job. {p} -She is a miracle, - Richie supported his friend, - So, brew team, what should we spend our prize for scientific work on? {p} -Another beer? {p} -Another beer!"
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"Richard Grimes had another sip of root beer. Before, he hadn't even tried this drink, but he enjoyed the taste. Rumors were, that it helped with pain quite a bit, especially with the one he was dealing with. How it helped – Richie knew not. But for now all was only getting worse. Richie sighed, and looked over the patrons of the Hogsmeade's tavern. There were quite a few, many students loved to spend a weekend in these walls, and in such rowdy place, no one payed much attention to a lonely table of a genius potion brewer. Genius, what a joke!? First serious experiment, and what a fiasco! Side-effect, that couldn't have happened. Not one ingredient that would make it into a love potion. And the supposed protection of yarrow, that almost came out as but a mirage. He himself found a way around it in a few hours. Eh, he will never get to the heights of professor Snape. {p} -Aha, here you are! – Samuel dropped on a neighboring chair, - I was looking for you. Couldn't even find a trace. What the hell, man? I got up in the morning and you are nowhere to be found! {p} -You mornings, Sam, start in the afternoon, - Richard sighed once again, without raising his gaze from the chalice. {p} -Come on, it's a weekend, I get to indulge myself. You don't need to be so strict with yourself, or you will end up, well, right where you are. So I take it didn't go to plan? – Sam showed a look of concern. In the end, it was both of their asses on the line. {p} -Hah, what can I say? She took the antidote, she did. And just left. I tried talking with her in the morning, afternoon... She is avoiding me. Ignoring. – Richard, surprised, found his glass empty, - I borked it up Sam. {p} -Why would you even try to talk with her? Don't you have your own ways? – Sam asked teasingly, - You could always just use your newfound abilities. {p} -That's the thing, I can't. I cannot hear her thoughts. At all. {p}Richard tried reaching for another bottle, but Samuel caught his hand. And with a glint of steel in his eyes looked at his friend. {p} -Stop this Richie, stop, trust me. This won't solve your problems. So, what do we have? You've deal with a side-effect, but dispelled the main one too. Sandy is angry at you, because you told her everything? {p} -She knew from the start. Potion also let her read my thoughts, - Richard's face finally got an expression, and it was... a smile? {p} -What?! Excuse me, oh venerable potion master? She was reading your thoughts all this time? – Sam stopped for a second, dealing with newly discovered information, and didn't think if anything better, but laugh – She just ready your thoughts? And knew all of our plans? Great Merlin! But why are you so calm? And why aren't you stuttering? {p} -Well, - Sam thought Richie looked like he was hiding something, - she... how should I put it... She healed me from my defect. Hm... Yes, that's right. With her own... method. – Richie turned bright red and lost his tongue. {p} -Richie? Richard Grimes! Don't tell me, you and Sandy. Wow! {p}Sam though he was shocked before, but now. Still, corners of his lips started to move up into an angry smirk. {p} -Well, my friend, congratulations. You've managed to prepare a love potion, and got me to give it to a girl you like, and use her to the full potential! {p}Sam face was full of the sarcastic triumph. {p} -No! That's not how it went! I didn't know, I didn't want! – Richard started to panic, but surprisingly didn't start to stutter. {p} -Relax, I am joking. Still, this is a complete failure. Not only does your potion have a side-effect, that you can only get rid of with the intended effect, the main effect also goes both ways. You know, maybe this is to be expected and everything will go back into place now. So, let's pretend nothing of this has happened.\n\n\n\n\n\nRichard tried to summon his courage. He spent last three hours stalking Sandy, just to get her alone. It was quite late, and she went to female showers. What a strange creatures women are, going to have a shower in the middle of the night. Well, most importantly, she is alone and he can finally talk with her. He has to find out, explain to her, she has to understand that he only had science in mind. She will listen to him! {p} -Yes! – Richard told himself – She has to listen to me! And she can decide what to after, but I have to tell her everything. {p}Though, he still wasn't sure what he will tell her. Talking never was never a strong point for our young genius. Richard checked the hall once more, door to the showers was closed tightly. He couldn't hear the sound of water. And Sandy already spent an hour inside. What if something had happened to her? No, that's impossible. What could happen to her in the shower? Still, this is Hogwarts, and he cannot hear the water. But to go in? That would definitely break a few IMVOIS rules, and will most likely result in his expulsion. And how would he even get in. How? HOW?! Richard didn't finish his thought, starting at a door that suddenly appeared in front of him. Door, that he was sure, led to the girls' showers. Gathering his courage, Richard slowly opened this new door and saw a small room with a tall mirror in the middle. And in the mirror he saw girls' showers, and lying on the stone floor, fully naked Sandy. Her body moved as if she was possessed, spasming, both her hands between her legs. Eyes wide shut, face full of exhaustion. She was biting down on her lip, wrinkling and arching her back more and more, legs twisting in some surrealistic knot. Richard stepped forward, another step. And just went through the mirror, into the thick mist. Shockingly staring at Sandy, who ended up right at his feet, he thought: “Room of requirement. That is the only explanation”. For a few painfully long seconds, he looked at the girl, that captured his heart, and then, as if he decided to take a leap of faith, he breathed in and falling to the floor next to her, kissed the one he loved. Sandy opened her eyes, for a second they reflected terror, then acknowledgment, anger, rage and suddenly... Her eyes were filled with lust. She pulled Richie toward her, and maintaining their connection, quickly got rid of his belt and grabbed him by his cock, as if she though he would try to escape her. Richard, with an animal like roar, flipped her on her back and, raising Sandy's right leg entered her. Sandy responded with a long half-moan, half-scream. She was on her back, wanting more. Grasping around she found a column behind her, and grabbed it with both arms. Matching the tempo, she started to push herself toward him. Thrusts became more powerful, painfully so for both of them, but they were both too far gone to care. Suddenly, Sandy arched back and flipped Richie over, getting on top. Increasing the tempo even further. Richie (Merlin knows where he got that from) reached for her throat, grabbing her with his thin arm, that looked like that of a giant when put next to her thin neck. The ever increasing tempo got the best of both of them, and when Richie thought that another second and he will lose consciousness from the pleasure, everything has ended. Ended for both of them.\n\n{p} -Have you seen Pittsburgh's Witches? It is a beautiful play in three acts. You have to see it, - Sandy closed her eyes remembering, - Richie, it is godly, we have to see it during the break. I'll gladly watch it for a second time. {p} -Of course, Sandy! Of course we will go to see it,- Richard smiled. {p} -Eee... What is going on here? – Samuel stood still next to the table in the dining hall, Sandy and Richie were flirting at,- I mean, hi Richie, Sandy. Glad to run into you two. So you have made up, I see. {p}Sam looked at them with a hint of offence, as if he was the only one not in on the gag. {p} -Sammy, hi, - Sandy said cheerfully, - sit with us, we were waiting for you. {p} -Really? – Surprised didn't even cover how Sam felt, - So will you in Merlin's name tell me what's going on? {p} -Nothing special, we just planning how we will celebrate our successful experiment, - Richie smiled. {p} -Successful? I have a few other adjectives to describe it. How about: failure, disastrous! I have a few pages with the censored ones too! {p} -Sam, I already reported to Snape, and he graded it highly. And you got credit as my assistant. So it is our success. – Richard looked very happy with himself. {p} -What are you on about? What success? What about the side-effect? And... - Sam looked at giggling Sandy, - The both-side effect as well? {p} -Sam, - Richie looked at him with a condescending smile, - There was no side effect. {p} -What?! {p} -Yes, - Sandy interrupted, - what you boys thought was a side effect, was just a simple crush. I fell in love with only the most pure and kindhearted and truly interesting person. And I understood it, by simply reading his thoughts. There and then, while you were waiting for the results of the potion, I saw Richie's thoughts. Saw them and fell in love. With him. {p} -Aha! – Sam said triumphal, - so there was at least one side-effect! {p} -No, - Sandy continued, - there wasn't. Just you silly boys forgot about one small detail, the taste of the potion. I knew that you gave me something that moment. And, interested, decided to eavesdrop on your conversation. Luckily I have one of those Weasly's ear extenders. So once I figured what you have done and where Richie stored his brew, I just put it into his juice, right in the common room. Thankfully, like any mad scientist (Sandy barely suppressed her laughter) doesn't pay attention to little details. Like a sudden change in taste of his juice. {p} -So you have been playing with us all along? {p}Sam was so shocked, that almost started stuttering himself. But, a second later, there was a hint of respect in his eyes. {p} -You are one dangerous girl! Great job. {p} -She is a miracle, - Richie supported his friend, - So, brew team, what should we spend our prize for scientific work on? {p} -Another beer? {p} -Another beer!"
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11 months ago
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11 months ago
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11 months ago
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fr/non_dialogue.csv, string 640